RETURNS POLICY | Pipe Valves, Inc
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PV Customer Product Return Guidelines

1. PV can only accept returns of un-used, like new product, never used.

2. Goals:

  • Get the customer the best credit possible.

  • Touch the product only once.

  • Get answers in days, not weeks or months.

3. Credits can only be issued if the items are returned within the applicable "return opportunity window".

4. Returned items will be either:

  • Put back in stock

  • Returned to the vendor

  • Scrapped

    • If you want it back if no credit is possible, don't send it to us before we get the answer.

5. Regardless of the return policy, a credit is always at the discretion of Pipe Valves, Inc. based on the facts and circumstances.


Identified: Identified implies that the product is returned with all applicable order numbers, purchase order numbers, heat codes, packaging, etc. via the RMA process provided by a PV inside salesperson.


Scrapped: Scrapped implies that the product will be donated to a local vocational school that teaches welding or to a local welding artist; if no one is accepting donations, the material will be discarded.


Type #1: Stock - Identified and Like-New

Credit Issued: Generally, there is a 20-50% re-stock fee for identified and like-new stock items returned within 90 days of purchase through the RMA process via your PV inside salesperson.


Description: "Stock items identified and like new" is when the stock items come back to PV in the same condition and packaging as when they went out with all applicable identifying paperwork and identified via the RMA (Return Material Authorization) process established with your inside sales representative. This is to fully identify the materials prior to them being returned.


Exceptions: It is possible that a customer buys more of a stock item than we can sell in 3-months-time. If that is the case, we would return it to the vendor and adjust the credit for freight and the vendor re-stock fee.

Type #2: Stock - Unidentified but Like-New

Credit Issued: PV stocked items that require identification by PV personnel, but are otherwise like-new, have a minimum 40-60% re-stock fee, all other items will be scrapped with no credit issued. The return must be made within 90 days of the identified purchase shipment date.


Description: This is when the stock item comes back to PV unidentified as to any single or multiple combination of identification, packaging, order number, RMA number, purchase order number, etc.


Exceptions: We cannot issue a credit for something that was not purchased from PV: These items will be scrapped. It takes time and multiple people to identify and evaluate unidentified items.

Type #3: Special Order Items (Non-Stock) - Identified and Like-New

Credit Issued: Re-stock fees are significant and determined by the manufacturer.


  • There is always a time limit and is usually no more than 30 days from date of original product receipt by either the end-user or PV. In any case, whatever the time limit is, it will be set by the manufacturer.

  • Items that can be treated as like-new will have a minimum 25% re-stock fee, varying by vendor, plus any in-and-out freight, plus any other direct costs incurred.

  • If the vendor will not take an item back, it will be scrapped with no credit issued. Note: Some vendors, will not accept returns at all. If the customer does not want the item scrapped, they should hold on to it until their PV sales representative obtains an answer from the manufacturer.

  • A special-order item under $150 will be considered Non-Cancellable and Non-Returnable (NCNR).

  • A special-order item will be considered Non-Cancellable and Non-Returnable when the restock fee plus in-and-out freight is expected to be equal to or exceed the purchase price.


Description: Identified and like-new special order items are items PV does not carry in inventory as stocked items.


Exceptions: IMPORTANT - Many times an item can be in like-new condition, but a manufacturer will not take it back because it is outside their "return opportunity window".  This is why it is very important to submit the actual product to be returned as quickly as possible. These return windows are very short, measured in weeks, not months. Work closely with your PV sales representative.


Expectations: We submit returns to our vendors upon receipt to PV. NOTE: Some vendors are more accommodating than others. Some vendors will not take anything back at all.  Our goal is to help you return these items successfully.

  • The best results come from prompt returns in unblemished condition. 

  • Once sent to PV, they will not be returned to the customer. It is in everyone's best interest to handle the returned item only once.

  • Our goal is always to get the customer the best credit possible by assisting them through the maze set-out by these often large international vendors, keeping in mind that some of them have NCNR clauses (Non-Cancelable, Non-Returnable).

  • Work closely with your PV sales representative to get the best result.

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